Open Hours Allied Irish Banks Castletroy

Opening Hours

Monday: 10.00 am to 5.00 pm
Tuesday: 10.00 am to 4.00 pm
Wednesday: 10.00 am to 4.00 pm
Thursday: 10.00 am to 4.00 pm
Friday: 10.00 am to 4.00 pm

Contact Info

Address: Castletroy, Co. Limerick
Town: Castletroy
Post Code: Not Available
Branch ID: 930148
Telephone: 061 334266
Fax: 061 330890

The best answer to the question: what are the opening hours for Allied Irish Banks – Castletroy branch.
* This page was last updated at the beginning of 2025.

The system has opening hours and means of contacting all branches of the largest banks in Ireland.

Important to note:

  • The Bank Open Hours website does not work with any bank and the information is published in order to help the general population of Ireland. The data isn’t always 100% updated if there are changes that the bank made at the opening hours of its branches.
  • If you find a branch of a bank whose opening hours are not up to date, we’d be happy to know about it and change it.
  • Sometimes Allied Irish Banks changes branch hours for standard time or daylight saving time, so we recommend that you contact the bank directly.
  • This page contains information about opening hours of Castletroy branch Allied Irish Banks only.
  • To view opening hours of other branches of the bank, please go to the bank’s main page at the following link:
Allied Irish Banks: Opening hours of all branches

Additional branches of Allied Irish Banks in Castletroy

There isn't any additional branches on our database to show.